Yasaman Haghighi

From EPFL Switzerland

 Feb. 16, 2024 14:00 - 15:00

Online Speaker

Advancements of 3d vision in human-centric tasks

Yasaman Haghighi is a Ph.D. student at EPFL. She received her BSc (2019) from the Sharif University of Technology, Iran, and her MSc (2022) from EPFL, both in electrical engineering. Her interests broadly include the intersection of visual computing and robotics. More specifically, she works towards combining classical 3D computer vision and computer graphics approaches with modern machine learning and deep learning techniques to improve the final accuracy and robustness of algorithms used in robotics and AR/VR applications. She did her master's thesis at ETHZ CV Lab on the "Neural Implicit Dense Semantic SLAM" project. Before this, she was a member of the Mixed Reality Group at Logitech Europe SA working on compelling 3D video for 1 year.